Work Record

This site should not have any adornment

activity1: Basics activity2: JSON activity3: Machien Learning

Activity 1: UN Sustainability Goals Site

Stage Link Short Description
Stage 1
In this stage we configured the photo resources and created the file structure and template.
Stage 2
Coded First Flip Box. This basic code will help me integrate flip boxes into mys site
Stage 3
Coded All Of The Un Flip Boxes
Stage 4
Arranged All the UN Goals
Stage 5
Added A Title At The Top Of The Page
Stage 6
Made The Title Fixed At The Top Of Your Page
Stage 7
Added Questions On The Flipboxes

Activity 2: JSON Data - HIV Infeaction Rate By Country

Stage Link Short Description
Stage 1
In this stage we will be checking to ensure that the site is properly loading JQUERY
Stage 2
In this stage we accessed the data
Stage 3
In this stage we accessed information and console display
Stage 4
Description 4
Stage 5
Description 5
Stage 6
Description 6
Stage 7
Description 7

Activity 3: API Call Machine Learning Food Identification

Stage Link Short Description
Stage 1
In this stage we configured the photo resources and created the file structure and template.
Stage 2
Description 2
Stage 3
Description 3
Stage 4
Description 4
Stage 5
Description 5
Stage 6
Description 6
Stage 7
Description 7